ULTRASONIC BOOSTERS FOR ULTRASONIC WELDING MACHINEThe boosters are rated by the amount of gain they increase the 20 micron motion that is produced at the face of the converter. These booster gains are used to put the transducer, booster and horn assembly at the needed amplitude for a given application.The typical booster gains are 1:1, 1.5: 1, 2:1 and 2.5:1.There are types such as silver, gold, etc. We make only of 20 KHz, 30 KHz, and 40 KHz. Boosters are used for boosting purpose of vibrations. In machine boosters are for 2 purposes.1-for boosting, 2- for holding.ULTRASONIC BOOSTERS FOR ULTRASONIC WELDING MACHINEFor more information you can call us on 08048034421 or you can visit us at www.ultraautosonic.co.in
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